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Alficolor 693

Alficolor 693 is a stabilising agent for the preparation and correction of two-step tin-base colour anodizing for shades from light bronze to dark bronze and black.
Alficolor 693 contains no cresol- and phenol sulfonic acids, shows excellent
stabilising properties and produces deep brown shades with a slightly
greenish cast.
Alficolor 693 is distinguished by good throwing power, high stability,
good reproducibility and simple maintenance.

Product Features:

Alficolor 693 is a stabilising agent for the preparation and correction of two-step tin-base colour anodizing for shades from light bronze to dark bronze and black.
Alficolor 693 contains no cresol- and phenol sulfonic acids, shows excellent
stabilising properties and produces deep brown shades with a slightly
greenish cast.
Alficolor 693 is distinguished by good throwing power, high stability,
good reproducibility and simple maintenance.
